Excel Rows And Columns?
Spreadsheets are displayed in a grid layout. The letter across the top column headings. To highlight an entire Column, click or any of the letters. The image below shows the B Column highlighted:
1st image here. |
if you look down the left side of the grid, you'll see numbers, which start at number 1 at the very top and go down to over a million. (The exact number of rows and columns. you've never going to need this many!) you can click a number to highlighted an entire Row. If you look at the image below, you'll see that Row 5 has been highlighted |(The image is from Excel 2010. later are version are the except less colorful).
Spreadsheets are all about individual Cell. A cell is a letter combined with a number. So if you combine the B column with Row 5, you get the Cell B5. Combine column D with Row 5 and you get Cell D5.
To see this for yourself click inside any of the cells on your spreadsheet. In the image below, we have clicked inside cell A1 and cell C3.
3rd Image here (i) ROW 1 (A1) |
3rd Image here (ii) ROW 3 (C3) |
The first picture is column A, Row 1 (A1), and the second picture is column C Row 3 (C3). Notice that the cells we clicked on have a black border around them. This tells you the cells active. The cell that is active will have its column letter and Row number displayed in the top left, just above the letters A and B in the picture. When you click into a cell you can then type text and numbers.
To move around the spreadsheet, and make other cell active, you can either just click inside a cell, or press the arrow keys on your keyboard. Try it now. Click inside a cell and notice the cell reference appear above the letter A and B. Press your arrow keys and notice how the active cells moves.
before going any further, make sure you understand how the spreadsheet grid work. If you are sked to locate cell H2, you should ne able to do so.